The Daily Decrypt
The Daily Decrypt
700,000 OpenSSH Servers at Risk, TeamViewer Breach, Cisco Zero-Day - CyberSecurity news

In today’s episode, we discuss TeamViewer’s security breach by Midnight Blizzard, who extracted encrypted employee credentials but left customer data untouched ( We also cover Cisco’s response to a zero-day flaw in NX-OS exploited by the Velvet Ant cyberespionage group to install custom malware ( Additionally, we explore the critical OpenSSH vulnerability, “regreSSHion,” putting 700,000 servers at risk of remote code execution attacks (

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Thanks to Jered Jones for providing the music for this episode.

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TeamViewer, Midnight Blizzard, breach, cyber threats, cybersecurity, employee data, network security, Velvet Ant, Cisco, NX-OS, CVE-2024-20399, vulnerability, OpenSSH servers, remote code execution, Qualys

Search Phrases

  1. TeamViewer breach by Midnight Blizzard
  2. Midnight Blizzard cyber attack
  3. TeamViewer data security incident
  4. Velvet Ant Cisco NX-OS vulnerability
  5. Cisco NX-OS zero-day exploit
  6. CVE-2024-20399 patch details
  7. Critical OpenSSH server vulnerability
  8. Qualys remote code execution vulnerability
  9. Securing OpenSSH servers against regreSSHion
  10. Modern cybersecurity threats 2024

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